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Boost Spirit : something like permutation, but not exactly

I'm trying to get a grasp of Spirit, meaning I'm a noob at it (hence expect lack of proper terminology in the below).

I have to parse this:

value1 = 10
value2 = 20
value3 = 30
value4 = 40

Order doesn't matter but each "value1" ... "value4" line must be present exactly once. This would be OK:

value1 = 10
value4 = 40
value2 = 20
value3 = 30

but this would not be OK (duplicated "value1"):

value1 = 10
value2 = 20
value3 = 30
value4 = 40
value1 = 10000

Nor this (missing "value4"):

value1 = 10
value2 = 20
value3 = 30

How could I achieve that with Spirit ?

Bonus question: what if the line "value3" is optional ?



  • I'd use the permutation parser + an added validity check.

    This way you don't have to write all the stuff, and can still achieve the constraints you want.

    Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
    #include <boost/optional/optional_io.hpp>
    struct X {
        boost::optional<int> value1;
        boost::optional<int> value2;
        boost::optional<int> value3;
        boost::optional<int> value4;
    static bool is_valid(X const& x) { return x.value1 && x.value2 && x.value4; } // value3 is optional
            (boost::optional<int>, value1)
            (boost::optional<int>, value2)
            (boost::optional<int>, value3)
            (boost::optional<int>, value4)
    int main() {
        namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
        namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
        using It = std::string::const_iterator;
        qi::rule<It, X(), qi::space_type> grammar;
        grammar =
            (("value1" > qi::lit('=') > qi::int_) ^
             ("value2" > qi::lit('=') > qi::int_) ^
             ("value3" > qi::lit('=') > qi::int_) ^
             ("value4" > qi::lit('=') > qi::int_))
            >> qi::eoi
            >> qi::eps(phx::bind(is_valid, qi::_val))
        for (std::string const& input : {
                "value1 = 10\nvalue2 = 20\nvalue3 = 30\nvalue4 = 40\n",
                // Order doesn't matter but each value1 ... value4 line must be present exactly once. This would be OK:
                "value1 = 10\nvalue4 = 40\nvalue2 = 20\nvalue3 = 30\n",
                // But this would not be OK (duplicated value1):
                "value1 = 10\nvalue2 = 20\nvalue3 = 30\nvalue4 = 40\nvalue1 = 10000\n",
                // Nor this (missing value4):
                "value1 = 10\nvalue2 = 20\nvalue3 = 30\n",
                // value3 _is_ optional though:
                "value1 = 10\nvalue2 = 20\nvalue4 = 40\n",
            std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
            std::cout << "Parsing '" << input << "'\n";
            auto f(input.begin()), l(input.end());
            X parsed;
            bool ok = phrase_parse(f, l, grammar, qi::space, parsed);
            if (ok) {
                std::cout << "Parsing succeeded: " << boost::fusion::as_vector(parsed) << "\n";
            } else {
                std::cout << "Parsing failed\n";
            if (f!=l)
                std::cout << "Remaing input '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";


    Parsing 'value1 = 10
    value2 = 20
    value3 = 30
    value4 = 40
    Parsing succeeded: ( 10  20  30  40)
    Parsing 'value1 = 10
    value4 = 40
    value2 = 20
    value3 = 30
    Parsing succeeded: ( 10  20  30  40)
    Parsing 'value1 = 10
    value2 = 20
    value3 = 30
    value4 = 40
    value1 = 10000
    Parsing failed
    Remaing input 'value1 = 10
    value2 = 20
    value3 = 30
    value4 = 40
    value1 = 10000
    Parsing 'value1 = 10
    value2 = 20
    value3 = 30
    Parsing failed
    Remaing input 'value1 = 10
    value2 = 20
    value3 = 30
    Parsing 'value1 = 10
    value2 = 20
    value4 = 40
    Parsing succeeded: ( 10  20 --  40)

    As you can see, the last one addresses your bonus question.

    Have a look at the keyword parser directive from the Spirit Repository too:

    It allows you to set min/max occurrences