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Attempt to add annotation to defrecord defined class in macro

I'm attempting to create a macro similar to the Quartzite defjob macro that creates the Job class with the @DisallowConcurrentExecution annotation added to it. The code works from the repl, but not inside the macro.

This works...

user=> (defrecord ^{DisallowConcurrentExecution true} YYY []
  #_=>   org.quartz.Job
  #_=>   (execute [this context]
  #_=>            (println "whoosh!")))
user=> (seq (.getAnnotations YYY))
(#<$Proxy3 @org.quartz.DisallowConcurrentExecution()>)

...but this does not.

(defmacro defncjob
  [jtype args & body]
  `(defrecord ^{DisallowConcurrentExecution true} ~jtype []
              (execute [this ~@args]

After Rodrigo's suggestion, here is a way to make it work.

(defmacro defdcejob
  [jtype args & body]
  `(defrecord ~(vary-meta jtype assoc `DisallowConcurrentExecution true) []
     (execute [this ~@args]


  • You can't use the ^ reader macro inside macros. Take a look at this similar question.