Here's the method I have.
public PsiReference[] getReferencesByElement(@NotNull PsiElement element, @NotNull ProcessingContext context) {
if (isInRoutesFile(element)) {
return controllerName(element)
.flatMap(name -> findController(element.getProject(), name))
.map(controller -> new PsiReference[]{new RPsiElementReference(controller)})
.orElse(new PsiReference[0]);
return new PsiReference[0];
Now, I'd like to avoid the if
clause and somehow built the predicate into the Optional
chain in order to not duplicate new PsiReference[0]
For comparison, Haskell has a function guard
for exactly that purpose. Here's how it would look like;
references :: Element -> Maybe [Reference]
references element = do
guard $ isInRoutesFile element
controllerName element >>= findController (getProject element) >>= Just . return . Reference
This code will return Nothing
, which is equivalent to Optional.empty()
in case isInRoutesFile element
is False
. What's the Java way to have a guard?
It's filter
return Optional.of(element)
.flatMap(name -> findController(element.getProjcet(), name))