I am writing a function to load text from shader code file. I have stumbled upon something strange regarding pointers and I cannot figure out why.
I have a function named Load. In this function I copy text, taken from a file stream, in the output variable.
static void Load(const GLchar* source_path, GLchar* output,GLint& count )
string code;
// loading logic here
code= vShaderStream.str(); // copying the string from the stream
count = code.length();
output = new GLchar[count];
std::size_t length = code.copy(output, count, 0);
output[length]= '\0';
Load is called in this way:
for (size_t i = 0; i < d_n_fragment; i++)
Load(d_fragment_source_path, d_fragment_code[i], d_fragment_string_count[i]);
where d_fragment_code is a double pointer of Glchar** which is already initialized. After Load function is called the pointer d_fragment_code[i] contains no text. I tried to change the signature of the Load function to:
static void Load(const GLchar* source_path, GLchar*& output,GLint& count )
and thus passing the pointer by reference. It works, after the function is called d_fragment_code holds correctly the text loaded from the file but I don't understand why a pointer it is to be passed by reference.
I thought that passing a pointer only would suffice to change its content. I am confused, could you shed some light on it?
You should pass pointers by reference if you have to modify the pointer rather than the object that the pointer is pointing to.
Using double pointers is also a similar case.
Here is a more detailed article: