I have an existing Solr setup, running on a standalone Solr instance. I have been asked to add resilience and high availability to this setup. So I would like to add replication to my setup, for which I believe SolrCloud is the way to go?
I have run through the demo's on the SolrCloud wiki. However I am not sure, how to add my existing Solr instance to ZooKeeper and then add some more nodes for it to replicate to. Is this possible without re-bulking?
The wiki states
NOTE: When you are not using an example to start solr, make sure you upload the configuration set to zookeeper before creating the collection.
However I am unsure which files it is referring to and how to do this?
Cuurent setup info:
Wish list
What I have tried:
But I recieve an error from solr "Could not load SOLR configuration".
So I guess my question summarises to:
I am pretty new to Solr (~12 months use) and very new to Zookeeper and SolrCloud (~2 weeks reading/experimenting), so any advice on achieving the above would be very much appreciated.
SolrCloud is the way forward with Solr, so I'd say yes.
If you don't use sharding, only replicas, no need to reindex.
Start your fist Solr with -Dbootstrap_conf=true, this will load your config files into ZK.
Depends on what exactly you do with grouping see https://wiki.apache.org/solr/DistributedSearch for what's supported or not.
Upgrading to the latest version is a good idea, although past Solr 4.7, you will need Java 7.
I vote for good idea, I have a similar one.