I wish to create something similar to the following types of discontinuous heat map in R:
My data is arranged as follows:
k_e percent time
.. .. ..
.. .. ..
I wish k_e
to be x-axis, percent
on y-axis and time
to denote the color.
All links I could find plotted a continuous matrix http://www.r-bloggers.com/ggheat-a-ggplot2-style-heatmap-function/ or interpolated. But I wish neither of the aforementioned, I want to plot discontinuous heatmap as in the images above.
The second one is a hexbin plot If your (x,y) pairs are unique, you can do an x y plot, if that's what you want, you can try using base R plot functions:
x <- runif(100)
pal <- colorRampPalette(c('white','black'))
#cut creates 10 breaks and classify all the values in the time vector in
#one of the breaks, each of these values is then indexed by a color in the
#pal colorRampPalette.
cols <- pal(10)[as.numeric(cut(time,breaks = 10))]
#plot(x,y) creates the plot, pch sets the symbol to use and col the color
of the points
plot(x,y,pch=19,col = cols)
With ggplot, you can also try: