I have a InfoWindowAdapter class in my Android app that refers to an xml layout containing three TextViews. I add a new marker using the code below within an addMarker()
mapView.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
mapView.setInfoWindowAdapter(new InfoWindow(getLayoutInflater()));
I then set the text of my two infowindow textviews using marker.getTitle()
and marker.getSnippet()
within a getInfoContents()
public View getInfoContents(Marker marker) {
if (popup == null) {
popup = inflater.inflate(R.layout.infowindow_popup, null);
TextView tvTitle = (TextView) popup.findViewById(R.id.title);
TextView tvSnippet = (TextView) popup.findViewById(R.id.snippet) ;
TextView tvSnippet2 = (TextView) popup.findViewById(R.id.snippet_2) ;
return popup;
This is all good for the first two textviews but what I would like to know is what is the correct way for me to pass a third string to infoWindowContents()
to use with tvSnippet2
? Obviously I can't use .title()
and marker.getTitle()
because these are already used and would repeat the data.
public class InfoWindow implements InfoWindowAdapter {
private View popup = null;
private LayoutInflater inflater = null;
String str;
InfoWindow(LayoutInflater inflater, String s) {
this.inflater = inflater;
str = s;
public View getInfoContents(Marker marker) {
if (popup == null) {
popup = inflater.inflate(R.layout.infowindow_popup, null);
TextView tvTitle = (TextView) popup.findViewById(R.id.title);
TextView tvSnippet = (TextView) popup.findViewById(R.id.snippet) ;
TextView tvSnippet2 = (TextView) popup.findViewById(R.id.snippet_2) ;
return popup;
public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker) {
return null;
When you add Marker
in Map
at that time concat your all Strings
in your Title string like
String title="First String"+"_"+"Second String";
then add this to your title
all = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
Now, When you click into any Marker
then your CustomInfoWindow
rising up.So you'll parse your title in getInfoContents(...)
public View getInfoContents(Marker marker) {
if (popup == null) {
popup = inflater.inflate(R.layout.infowindow_popup, null);
String str=marker.getTitle();
final String[] str2=str.split("_");
TextView tvTitle = (TextView) popup.findViewById(R.id.title);
tvTitle.setText(str2[0]);// got first string as title
TextView tvSnippet = (TextView) popup.findViewById(R.id.snippet) ;
TextView tvSnippet2 = (TextView) popup.findViewById(R.id.snippet_2) ;
tvSnippet2.setText(str2[1]);// got second string
return popup;