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Calling custom tagLib inside another custom tagLib dynamically

I have made two custom tagLibs, namely tabContainer and tab.

def tabContainer = { attrs, body ->
    println("body: "+body())
    out << '<div class="tab-content">' << body() << '</div>'


def tab = { attrs, body ->
    out << '<div class="tab-pane '+${ == "true" ? "active" : ""}+'" id="''">' << body() << '</div>'

Now I want to insert the tab inside tabContainer as many times the user specifies inside GSP page like-

    <myUI:tab id="hello1">Hello1 contents</myUI:tab>
    <myUI:tab id="hello2" active="true">Hello2 contents</myUI:tab>

Now if I do that then comes the following error-

Error processing GroovyPageView: Error executing tag <myUI:tabContainer>: Error executing tag <myUI:tab>: No signature of method: myui.myUITagLib.$() is applicable for argument types: (myui.myUITagLib$_closure14_closure15) values: [myui.myUITagLib$_closure14_closure15@2090a569]

Need: Any number of tab can be passed inside tabcontainer as passed by the user on a GSP page.


  • Change your tab tag like this .It working for me.

    out << '<div class="tab-pane ' + ( == "true" ? 'active' : '') + '" id="' + + '">' << body() << '</div>'