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Plot power series gnuplot

I'd like to know how to plot power series (whose variable is x), but I don't even know where to start with. I know it might not be possible plot infinite series, but it'd do as well plotting the sum of the first n terms.


  • Gnuplot has a sum function, which can be used inside the using statement to sum up several columns or terms. Together with the special file name + you can implement power series.

    Consider the exponention function, which has a power series

    \sum_{n=0}^\infty x^n/n!

    So, we define a term as

    term(x, n) = x**n/n!

    Now we can plot the power series up to the n=5 term with

    set xrange [0:4]
    term(x, n) = x**n/n!
    set samples 20
    plot '+' using 1:(sum [n=0:5] term($1, n))

    enter image description here

    To plot the results when using 2 to 7 terms and compare it with the actual exp function, use

    term(x, n) = x**n/n!
    set xrange [-2:2]
    set samples 41
    set key left
    plot exp(x), for [i=1:6] '+' using 1:(sum[t=0:i] term($1, t)) title sprintf('%d terms', i)

    enter image description here