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Cognos - List report (Relational database) - Summary limitations

I have a Cognos report with Data like so.

User Units TimeInHours UnitsPerHour Smith 10 1 10 Smith 30 2 15

In my report I group by user. I can do a total on Units and Hours, but how can i summarize units per hour?

Its not the average 10+15/2 = 12.5,

its (10+30)/(1+2) = 13.33

In my report, UnitsPerHour is a calculation. It's just Units divided by hours.

I don't really need to summarize my unitsPerHour column at all. I need to perform a calculation based on my summary of other columns, but that appears to be impossible.


  • You can build it yourself if you don't want to total the other columns. Add a query calculation in your footer. It will be total(Units for report) / total(TimeinHours for report).