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_grokparsefailure on successful match

I started using logstash to manage syslog. In order to test it I am sending from a remote machine simple messges and try to parse them with logstash.

The only Logstash configuration, used via the command line:

input {
        syslog {
                type => syslog
                port => 5514

filter {
        grok {
                match =>  { "message" => "hello %{WORD:who}" }

output {
        stdout { }
        elasticsearch {
                host => ""
                cluster => "security"
                protocol => "http"

I do receive the logs and they are parsed correctly (a who field is generated). At the same time, tags contain _grokparsefailure.

The test log I am sending is hello rambo3. I see it as

2015-01-29T09:27:48.344+0000 <13>1 2015-01-29T10:27:48.113612+01:00 testlog.txt - - - hello rambo3

The grok debugger also agrees:

enter image description here

Why is _grokparsefailure added to the tags?

Interestingly enough, the same data sent via pure tcp are parsed correctly by the same filter (_grokparsefailure is not in the tags)


  • The _grokparsefailure is not add by your own filter grok. When you use syslog input, the syslog format must be follow RFC3164, as mentioned in here.

    Generally , Syslog input will parse the log and add corresponding field like log severity. So, there is a grok action in it. However, the log you send from remote server is in RFC 5424 format. So, logstash can't parse the log and then add _grokparsefailure tag.