Search code examples

Pass Data from HTML to JQuery/Ajax

I am coding a mini shop and I am struggling with a good solution for my problem. I have implemented a quick checkout which immediately opens once you pressed "Purchase Now" at one of the listed articles. This quick checkout is just a jQuery Popup (Screenshot: ).

My problem is to find a good solution to pass my Data from the HTML (Selected articleId and quantity to buy) to my Ajax Popup. And from the ajax popup I want to use it later for another ajax request to my pre Payment php file (don't worry my currency/prices/receiver is all specified serversided).

My HTML part of an article:

<div class="portfolio-item-meta">
    <h5><a href="single_project.html">SockMonkee</a></h5>
    <p>Sed in velit a justo imperdiet scelerisque ut id leo. Cras quis tellus tellus, viverra varius est. Nulla sed cursus lorem lipsum dolor augue.</p>
        <div class="checkout-meta">
            <div class="checkout-info">
                <strong>Total:</strong> 30,00€
                <div class="region-badge">euw</div>
            <div class="checkout-cta">
                <select name="quantity" id="quantity" style="display: inline-block;">

                <a href="checkout.php" class="btn-1 ajax-popup" data-package="1" style="display: inline-block;">Purchase Now</a>
            <div class="clearfix"></div>

What I want to pass to my jQuery Popup:

Only the Content of that div (euw)

<div class="region-badge">euw</div>
  1. The chosen quantity of my select (name="quantity" and id="quantity")
  2. The data-package of my a-href button.

This is how I call my Ajax-Popup:

    type: 'ajax',
    closeOnContentClick: false,
    closeOnBgClick: false

How I want to use those passed variables in my checkout.php

$region = ...;
$quantity = ...;
$package = ...;


  • You could use magnificPopup Ajax options:

        type : 'ajax',
        ajax : {
            settings : {
                data : {
                    region   : $('.region-badge').text(),
                    quantity : $('#quantity').val(),
                    package  : $('.ajax-popup').data('package'),
        closeOnContentClick : false,
        closeOnBgClick      : false


      var p = $(this).data('package'),
          q = $(this).parent().find('select').val(),
          r = $(this).parents('.checkout-meta').find('.region-badge').text();    
          type : 'ajax',
          ajax : {
              settings : {
                  data : {
                      region   : r,
                      quantity : q,
                      package  : p,
          closeOnContentClick : false,
          closeOnBgClick      : false


    Or just update href attribute of .ajax-popup as you use get method:

        var p = $(this).data('package'),
            q = $(this).parent().find('select').val(),
            r = $(this).parents('.checkout-meta').find('.region-badge').text();
        $(this).attr('href', 'checkout.php&region='+r+'&quantity='+q+'&package='+p)
        type                : 'ajax',
        closeOnContentClick : false,
        closeOnBgClick      : false