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Python cron job under windows7

I have created a simple cron job under windows to run a very simple python scrape:

  • scrape webpage
  • store data into csv file
  • close file

Cron job under Windows worked fine-without any probs. All of sudden, that cron job stopped working, my output file is not getting updated. When I run the scrape manually (double click on python file or via python IDE) I would typically get my debug output "everything ok" in a windows dialog window and the target file gets updated. During the cron job I can see that debug output window popping up and printing the same "everything ok" debug, but the file is just not getting updated.

I tried rebooting my machine, close/open all program. Created a new task in the scheduler, it still wouldn't work. Any suggestions?

Thanks Peter


  • After playing around with all potential settings in windows and many wasted hours I found a workaround.

    My initial setup in the task manager was calling the python.exe and my file was passed as an argument. Just as described here: The difference at the end that made my cron job work again was that I deleted passing the python file as an argument and now calling python file directly. Not sure why the initial setup stopped working - but this has helped. Hope you don't get into the same time wasting situation.