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springweb-servicesjbossclientspring-ws in jBoss 7.1.1

I'm creating a Spring webapplication (actually a portlet for Liferay), where I have to communicate with a webservice. Our webapplication runs on JBoss 7.1.1. I've done this before without much trouble, the only difference was that in that time the application ran on a Tomcat server.

I've tested the webservice with a soap plugin, and I can conclude that the webservice is running ok.

What did I do:

I created pojo files (DTO's?) from the provided .wsdl file, using maven-jaxb2-plugin. Those classes are generated well. Then I've defined my marshalling beans:

public class WebServiceConfiguration {

   public Jaxb2Marshaller persoonServiceMarshaller() {
       Jaxb2Marshaller m = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
       return m;

   public WebServiceTemplate persoonTemplate(Jaxb2Marshaller persoonServiceMarshaller) {
       WebServiceTemplate w = new WebServiceTemplate();

       w.setDefaultUri("my hardcoded webservice location URI...");
       return w;

Then I wrote a method to test this thing out:

    WebServiceTemplate persoonTemplate;

    public int getPersonCount(String lastName, String firstName, int birthYear,
            int birthMonth, String postalCode) {
        System.out.println("Getting PersonCount");

        ZoekPersonen zp = new ObjectFactory().createZoekPersonen();
        PersoonZoekCriteria criteria = new ObjectFactory()
        if (lastName != null && !lastName.equals("")) {
            criteria.setNaam(new ObjectFactory().createPersoonDTONaam(lastName));
        if (firstName != null && !firstName.equals("")) {
            criteria.setVoornaam(new ObjectFactory()
        if (birthYear != 0) {
            criteria.setGeboorteJaar(new ObjectFactory()

        if(birthYear != 0) {
            criteria.setGeboorteMaand(new ObjectFactory()

        if(postalCode != null && !postalCode.equals("")) {
            criteria.setPostCode(new ObjectFactory()

        JAXBElement<ZoekPersonenResponse> jaxBResponse = (JAXBElement<ZoekPersonenResponse>) persoonTemplate
                .marshalSendAndReceive(new ObjectFactory()

        return jaxBResponse.getValue().getReturn().getGevondenPersonen()

When I test this method, this Exception is thrown:

13:12:54,278 INFO  [stdout] (http-- 13:12:54,275 ERROR [http--][render_portlet_jsp:132] null
13:12:54,279 INFO  [stdout] (http-- Fault occurred while processing.
13:12:54,281 INFO  [stdout] (http--   at BLL.PersoonBLL.getPersonCount(
13:12:54,283 INFO  [stdout] (http--   at controllers.MyController.renderView(
13:12:54,284 INFO  [stdout] (http--   at javax.portlet.GenericPortlet.render(
13:12:54,285 INFO  [stdout] (http--   at com.liferay.portlet.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
13:12:54,286 INFO  [stdout] (http--   at com.liferay.portlet.ScriptDataPortletFilter.doFilter(
13:12:54,290 INFO  [stdout] (http--   at com.liferay.portlet.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
13:12:54,294 INFO  [stdout] (http--   at com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.PortletFilterUtil.doFilter(

I'm clueless, I think It has something to do with JBoss, googled it, but did not find useful information.

FYI: My dependencies and Plugin from my Maven POM:



Spring WS version = 2.1.4-RELEASE Spring suite version = 3.2.4-RELEASE

Upgrading spring versions or JBoss version is sadly no option. This has to run in an existing production environment.

Hints and tips are very welcome!


  • Fixed this one on my own:

    SoapFaultClientException: Exception is thrown by WebService! My request lacked some parameters that where obligated. Even altough the wsdl did not mention them as required.

    ==> The problem was not JBoss specific, what I first thought. (Sorry for shaming you Jboss, but I still do not like you ;-) ).