I want to replace $ sign to 'Rs.' in oracle d2k reports. In some system it is displaying Rs but in some system it is showing $. From where I have to change the sign.
You can use the currency in your NLS_TERRITORY settings as follows:
select to_char(123456789.91, 'L999,999,999,990.00') from dual;
L999,999,999,990.00 is the format mask you may be able to set in the property sheet (it's a while since I used Reports) or you can use a sql function like in the example above.
Or you can take the date and format it as a string (as above) and concatenate with the character you want to display. Obviously this isn't as flexible.
select 'Rs'||to_char(123456789.91, '999,999,999,990.00') from dual;
You can check your nls_settings by connecting in sqlplus
SELECT * FROM nls_session_parameters;