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Akka actor cannot send back the message

say, I have an Actor whose receive function likes

def receive = {
  case Message =>
    val doFuture: Future[String] = doSomething()

    doFuture onSuccess {
      case doResult =>
        //////////// Here is the problem !! /////////////
        // --> here fail. Seems sender cannot send back the result to the caller
        sender ! doResult

    doFuture onFailure {
      // handle exception

why the sender cannot send back message any more ?


  • def receive = {
      case Message =>
        val doFuture: Future[String] = doSomething()
        val requester = sender
        doFuture onSuccess {
          case doResult =>
            requester ! doResult
        doFuture onFailure {
          // handle exception

    You can save your original sender and then use it (in case if you don't want to use pipe for some reason). Anyway, pipe looks much better and is specially designed for such cases:

    import akka.pattern.pipe
     def receive = {
          case Message =>
              val doFuture: Future[String] = doSomething()  
              doFuture pipeTo sender