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Find all dir's called "example", set it and its contents writable

I have a site, with some template directories, there are a few modules, each with their own template dir (So there are N dirs called templates).

Each of those dirs has a dir in it, called translated. I need a script to set all those dirs and it's contents writable.

I prefer this via a loop so I can echo the result. My shell skills are (still) very minimal, I can't seem to combine them, I can find the dirs from the current working directory, but I can't seem to get it recursive:

for f in ./*/translated/
    echo $f

This only finds ./templates/translated/, but not ./some/dirs/deeper/translated/

I can use $f now for a chmod a+rw, but this will only set the contents writable, how do I also get the dir itself? I need new files to be written in it too.

1) How do I make it recursive?
2) How do I set the dir itself to +rw?


  • The tool for finding stuff recursively is called find.

    find . -name 'translated' -type d -exec echo chmod -R u+rw {} +

    Take out the echo if you are satisfied with the results. If your find does not support -exec ... + then try with -exec ... \; instead.

    Some shells have a wildcard ** which will do the same thing, but then your script will be tied to that particular shell.