I have a mako template A that includes mako template B more than once. Mako template B expects certain arguments and I need to set them to different values on include.
In A.mak:
args="lItems=some_variable, foo='bar'"
args="lItems=some_other_variable, foo='moooo'"
In B.mak:
<%page args="lItems, foo"/>
%for dItem in lItems:
Is this sort of thing even possible? I know it will work if I set lItems to 'some_value' and 'some_other_value' (ie: strings coded directly into A.mak) but I want to render A.mak with some_variable = [some,craze,list]
and some_other_variable = [some,other,craze,list]
The code above gives me the error:
File ".../mako/runtime.py", line 202, in __str__
raise NameError("Undefined")
NameError: Undefined
I also tried doing the includes like so:
args="lItems=${some_other_variable}, foo='moooo'"
but that's a syntax error...
I tried it using a def also:
and got NameError: Undefined
So my question is: How can I pass variables to templates 'within' a template?
You were almost there:
In A.mak:
args="lItems=some_other_variable, foo='moooo'"
In B.mak:
<%page args="lItems, foo"/>
%for dItem in lItems: