I want to make a multi level offline search in my app. I followed the directions at official Skobbler page and only difference is that l did not download map of France, but map of Wyoming instead.
Offline package code for it is USWY if I am right.
[SKSearchService sharedInstance].searchServiceDelegate = self;
[SKSearchService sharedInstance].searchResultsNumber = 500;
_listLevel = SKCountryList;
_searchSettings = [SKMultiStepSearchSettings multiStepSearchSettings];
_searchSettings.listLevel = _listLevel;
_searchSettings.offlinePackageCode = @"USWY";
- (IBAction)searchAction:(UIButton *)sender {
_searchSettings.searchTerm = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",_searchBar.text];
[[SKSearchService sharedInstance]startMultiStepSearchWithSettings:_searchSettings];
-(void)searchService:(SKSearchService *)searchService didRetrieveMultiStepSearchResults:(NSArray *)searchResults
if ([searchResults count] !=0 && _listLevel<SKInvalidListLevel){
if (_listLevel == SKCountryList) {
_listLevel = SKCityList;
SKSearchResult *searchResult = searchResults[0];
SKMultiStepSearchSettings* multiStepSearchObject = [SKMultiStepSearchSettings multiStepSearchSettings];
multiStepSearchObject.listLevel = _listLevel++;
multiStepSearchObject.offlinePackageCode = _searchSettings.offlinePackageCode;
multiStepSearchObject.searchTerm = _searchBar.text;
multiStepSearchObject.parentIndex = searchResult.identifier;
[[SKSearchService sharedInstance]startMultiStepSearchWithSettings:multiStepSearchObject];
-(void)searchServiceDidFailToRetrieveMultiStepSearchResults:(SKSearchService *)searchService
NSLog(@"Multi Level Search failed");
Whatever I put as a searchTerm, I end up with "MultiLevel Search Failed".
from this screenshot, you can see that my map package for Wyoming is included in my SKMaps.bundle: (Also, if anyone can answer me this: Versioning was different in my app and in the simulator folder in the test app, from where I downloaded an offline package. So, for testing purposes, I made two folders and put Wyoming package in both of them(20140807 and 20140910). Are there any rules regarding this?)
What could be the problem?
Ok, after few days I managed to find the source of the problem.
First, I found out which version I'm using and it's the 20140910.
Second, For some reason, the entire folder containing maps was not recognised. So I took the entire SKMaps.bundle, together with some pre-bundled maps from the demo app, provided by the Skobbler team, and put it in my project and now everything works fine.