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Liferay.Upload Component Usage for Multi-file Upload

Developing a custom portlet to upload multiple files in Liferay 6.2. Found the Liferay.Upload component while going through Liferay Source Code in the Document Library Portlet at the following location:

We want to reuse this component, but unable to find any documentation regarding the usage.

  1. How do we use the Liferay.Upload component? What do each of the inputs mean & do?
  2. Can we re-use this Liferay.Upload in our custom portlet?
  3. Any concrete documentation on the usage of Liferay.Upload?
  4. Any already implemented portlets available on the web with the Source Code available on the web?

Given below is the extract of the usage of the Liferay Upload component:

<aui:script use="liferay-upload">
    new Liferay.Upload(
            boundingBox: '#<portlet:namespace />fileUpload',
            deleteFile: '<liferay-portlet:actionURL doAsUserId="<%= user.getUserId() %>"><portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/document_library/edit_file_entry" /><portlet:param name="<%= Constants.CMD %>" value="<%= Constants.DELETE_TEMP %>" /><portlet:param name="folderId" value="<%= String.valueOf(folderId) %>" /></liferay-portlet:actionURL>&ticketKey=<%= ticket.getKey() %><liferay-ui:input-permissions-params modelName="<%= DLFileEntryConstants.getClassName() %>" />',
            fileDescription: '<%= StringUtil.merge(PrefsPropsUtil.getStringArray(PropsKeys.DL_FILE_EXTENSIONS, StringPool.COMMA)) %>',
            maxFileSize: '<%= PrefsPropsUtil.getLong(PropsKeys.DL_FILE_MAX_SIZE) %> B',
            metadataContainer: '#<portlet:namespace />commonFileMetadataContainer',
            metadataExplanationContainer: '#<portlet:namespace />metadataExplanationContainer',
            namespace: '<portlet:namespace />',
            tempFileURL: {
                method: Liferay.Service.bind('/dlapp/get-temp-file-entry-names'),
                params: {
                    groupId: <%= scopeGroupId %>,
                    folderId: <%= folderId %>,
                    tempFolderName: 'com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.action.EditFileEntryAction'
            tempRandomSuffix: '<%= EditFileEntryAction.TEMP_RANDOM_SUFFIX %>',
            uploadFile: '<liferay-portlet:actionURL doAsUserId="<%= user.getUserId() %>"><portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/document_library/edit_file_entry" /><portlet:param name="<%= Constants.CMD %>" value="<%= Constants.ADD_TEMP %>" /><portlet:param name="folderId" value="<%= String.valueOf(folderId) %>" /></liferay-portlet:actionURL>&ticketKey=<%= ticket.getKey() %><liferay-ui:input-permissions-params modelName="<%= DLFileEntryConstants.getClassName() %>" />'

Any pointers are highly appreciated!!


  • It looks like this component is reused all over in Liferay. I think you could reuse it as well. I've found following documentation of initial parameters. I hope it'll help you progress. Good luck!