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Blueimp Server Side UploadHandler.php -> Where to put custom code

Just tried out the blueimp "out of the box" files. With a few hurdles, I got the plugin to work on my site.

In my application, I want to store the uploaded files in specific directories based on the file name.

The PHP code to do this is pretty straight forward:

function StoreAudioFiles()
$TempFileName = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];    
$OriginalFileName= $_FILES['file']['name']; 

I have no idea where to modify the 'out-of-the-box' file "UploadHandler.php" to insert my code. Given the fact that the file is 55 pages long when opened in Word, any help would be appreciated.



  • I worked out a solution and am posting it here for others to use.

    In the index.php file that comes with blueimp, add functions after the object is created. Here's what I did:

    $upload_handler = new UploadHandler();
    //Now Add whatever custom functionality you want from here on.
    function MoveFiles()
    while (False !== ($FileName = readdir($TheHandle))) MoveThisFile($FileName);   
    function MoveThisFile($TheFileName)
    if(strlen($TheFileName)<4) return;