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Clojure condition-map parameter provided as metadata of the arglist

In the the special forms Clojure documentation (

The condition-map parameter is described as below:

The condition-map parameter may be used to specify pre- and postconditions for a function. It is of the following form:

{:pre [pre-expr*] :post [post-expr*]}

where either key is optional. The condition map may also be provided as metadata of the arglist.

I can add the condition-map as a block to a (defn [x ] {:pre [] :post []}...) just fine, but I don't quite understand the comment about being able to provide the condition-map as metadata of the arglist.

I'm very new to Clojure, and have only just started learning about metadata. Can someone give an example of how this would be done?




  • (defn foo ^{:pre [(even? x)] :post [(pos? %)]} [x]
      ;;      <-- metadata attached to arglist --> \ /
      ;;                                            |
      ;;                               arglist -----/
      (inc x))

    Calling the above the REPL:

    user=> (foo 0)
    user=> (foo -2)
    AssertionError Assert failed: (pos? %)  user/foo (NO_SOURCE_FILE:2)
    user=> (foo 1)
    AssertionError Assert failed: (even? x)  user/foo (NO_SOURCE_FILE:2)