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How to send a valid crsf token with angularjs $post service and symfony2

I think I read enough topics for posting this question... and I really want to know why my submission using ajax is invalid (The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form).

This is how I send my form data and the csrf token.

<form name="ReviewForm" ng-init="formData = { url: '{{ path('my_route') }}', token: '{{ csrf_token('review') }}' } ng-submit="sendReview(ReviewForm.$valid)" other parameters... >

In my angular controller :

myAppcontroller('FormManagerCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http) {
    $scope.formData = {};
    $scope.sendReview = function (isValid) {
        if (isValid) {
            $$scope.formData.url, $.param({
                    'review[pseudo]': $scope.formData.pseudo,
                    'review[email]': $,
                    'review[title]': $scope.formData.title,
                    'review[website]': $,
                    'review[rate]': $scope.formData.rate,
                    'review[content]': $scope.formData.content,
                    '_csrf_token': $scope.formData.token
            }), {
                    headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
                .success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
                .error(function (data, status) {


The name of my form is "review".

// Form type class
public function getName()
    return 'review';

I tried different names (_token etc...), I checked if {{ form_widget(form._token) }} and csrf_token('review') returned the same value but without success.

Thanks in advance for your help.


  • in symfony2 forms the elements id and name attributes are composed of the getName()+field name, in your case the token will have id="review__token" and name="review[_token]", so, the framework will check that review[_token] is present in the post data. I think you need to change your _csrf_token param for review[_token] just like the others params.