I have a MainWindow
that contains a custom widget with a QTextEdit
in it.
I would like to create a signal/slot between the MainWindow
and the QTextEdit
In MainWindow
I have:
this, // this : MainWindow
SLOT(headerUpdated())); // Function of MainWindow
But this does not work. Is it even possible to create such signal/slot combination?
why bother - let Qt do all the magic :) Just name your slot (in the mainWindow) like that:
void on_<object name>_<signal name>(<signal parameters>);
And you're done. More info here: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmetaobject.html#connectSlotsByName important: "object name" part means name of the object - not variable name. If you design your window in QtDesigner it should be set (in ui.setupUi method). if not - set it manually (by calling setObjectName
Just watch out for number of arguments in your slot. Here's what I do: I simply copy the signal prototype (from from header or the doc - eg: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qabstractitemmodel.html#dataChanged - watch out again for the weird whitespace between "::" and method name [some kind of an unbreakable-zerowidth-space] - only present when copying from v5.x doc), and prepend it with on_objectName_
. That guarantees, that your slot will be ok to connect it to the signal