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Which method is generally used to communicate between programs in Structured Text

I am maintaining a project for a PLC written in ST. To implement a new feature I need to let cyclic program A know when an event happened in cyclic program B.

How is this generally done in ST? Do I simply use global variables or is there a different method? If I use global variables, how are these then protected from concurrent modification?

I use the X20 PLCs from B&R Automation.


  • Asynchronous communication is tricky.

    So imagine a global A_DONE initialized to false, with B inspecting it occasionally. A runs, and sets A_DONE. B can react to this event... but what does it do if it needs to handle another event?

    If you believe that the event that tells A to signal A_DONE occurs only long after B sees A_DONE, B can simply reset A_DONE to false (assuming this always happens before the next A_DONE event) and the cycle can repeat.

    If A_DONE can occur "again" while B is handling the results of seeing A_DONE, B cannot just reset A_DONE: you might get a timing splinter in which B reads A_DONE, A sets A_DONE again and B then clears A_DONE; now you've lost an event. If that event is controlling your reactor emergency rods, this could be pretty bad because poof, B missed it.

    In this case you will likely need a handshake from A to B and back. We add a signal from B back to A, call it A_DONE_SEEN, to let B tell A that it has processed the event. Then A sets A_DONE, waits for A_DONE_SEEN; A clears A_DONE, waits for A_DONE_SEEN to go false, and continues its business. If A_DONE needs to be set while A_DONE is already set, or A_DONE_SEEN is set, we know we missed an event and some disaster recovery procedure can be run. B watches for A_DONE, handles the A_DONE action, sets A_DONE_SEEN, watches for A_DONE going false, and sets A_DONE_SEEN_FALSE.

    I don't know about your specific PLCs, but in many systems there are atomic operations that increment counts, etc. You could use this instead of the handshake.