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Implementing "move" thread semantics

I want to write a function to be called like this:


Where some other thread that is doing

let k = recv("address");

sees message.

In particular, the message may be large, and so I'd like "move" or "zero-copy" semantics for sending the message.

In C, the solution is something like:

  1. Allocate messages on the heap
  2. Have a global, threadsafe hashmap that maps "address" to some memory location
  3. Write pointers into the memory location on send, and wake up the receiver using a semaphore
  4. Read pointers out of the memory location on receive, and wait on a semaphore to process new messages

But according to another SO question, step #2 "sounds like a bad idea". So I'd like to see a more Rust-idiomatic way to approach this problem.


  • You get these sort of move semantics automatically, and get achieve light-weight moves by placing large values into a Box (i.e. allocate them on the heap). Using type ConcurrentHashMap<K, V> = Mutex<HashMap<K, V>>; as the threadsafe hashmap (there's various ways this could be improved), one might have:

    use std::collections::{HashMap, RingBuf};
    use std::sync::Mutex;
    type ConcurrentHashMap<K, V> = Mutex<HashMap<K, V>>;
    lazy_static! {
        pub static ref MAP: ConcurrentHashMap<String, RingBuf<String>> = {
    fn send(message: String, address: String) {
           // find the place this message goes
           // create a new RingBuf if this address was empty
           .unwrap_or_else(|v| v.insert(RingBuf::new()))
           // add the message on the back
    fn recv(address: &str) -> Option<String> {
            // pull the message off the front
            .and_then(|buf| buf.pop_front())

    That code is using the lazy_static! macro to achieve a global hashmap (it may be better to use a local object that wraps an Arc<ConcurrentHashMap<...>, fwiw, since global state can make reasoning about program behaviour hard). It also uses RingBuf as a queue, so that messages bank up for a given address. If you only wish to support one message at a time, the type could be ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>, send could become MAP.lock().insert(address, message) and recv just MAP.lock().remove(address).

    (NB. I haven't compiled this, so the types may not match up precisely.)