I want to implement summation from this publication which is denoted as formula 29. As you may see there are 5 nested summations. Now I struggle to implement that. According to what I understand from my teacher, I should nest it in following way:
for beta in range():
for beta_prim in range():
for alfa in range():
for alfa_prim in range():
for lambda in range():
return B
Now I by coeff{1,2,3,4} I mean those expressions after each sigma sign. I do it wrong however and I cannot tell where.
Could you give me a tip on that?
Best wishes!
The nested summation formula:
You approach should work. Here is what I came up with:
from math import factorial
import scipy.misc
def comb(n,k):
return scipy.misc.comb(n,k,True)
def monepow(n):
if n % 2 == 0:
return 1
return -1
def B(mu, nu, n, np, l, lp, m):
B = 0
beta1 = max( 0, mu - np - l, nu - np - l + m )
beta2 = min( n - l, nu )
for beta in range(beta1, beta2+1):
c1 = comb(n-l, beta)
beta1p = max( 0, mu - beta - l - lp, nu - beta - l - lp + m )
beta2p = min( np - lp, nu - beta )
for betap in range(beta1p, beta2p+1):
delta = min( mu + nu + l + lp, mu + n + np ) + 1
c2 = comb(np - lp, betap) * factorial(delta) / factorial (mu + beta + betap + l + lp + 1)
alpha1 = max( m, nu - beta - betap - lp + m )
for alpha in range(alpha1, l+1):
c3 = monepow(alpha) * comb(l, alpha) * comb(l, alpha - m)
alpha1p = max( m, nu - beta - betap - alpha + m )
for alphap in range(alpha1p, lp):
c4 = monepow(alphap) * comb(lp, alphap) * comb(lp, alphap-m) * comb(alpha - alphap - m, nu - beta - betap) * factorial(alpha - alphap + beta + lp) * factorial( alpha - alphap + beta + l)
for lam in range(0, mu+1):
c5 = monepow(lam) * comb( alpha - alphap + beta + lp + lam, lam ) * comb (alpha - alphap + betap + l + mu - lam, mu - lam) * comb(mu, lam)
x = c1*c2*c3*c4*c5
B += x
return B
def testAll():
for mu in range (0,10):
for nu in range (0,10):
for n in range(1,5):
for np in range(1,5):
for l in range(0,n):
for lp in range(0,np):
for m in range(0,l+1):
b = None
b = B(mu, nu, n, np, l, lp, m)
if b is not None:
print [mu, nu, n, np, l, lp, m], " -> ", b
# print B(1, 1, 6, 6, 0, 4, 3) # should be == 0
# print B(1, 2, 6, 6, 4, 0, 0) # should be == 0
# print B(2, 2, 6, 6, 4, 0, 0) # might be == 0
# print B(3, 2, 6, 6, 4, 0, 0) # might be == 0
The try...except...
block is present in testAll()
I don't know what the valid ranges are for mu and nu (and the range for m may also not be correct), so for some inputs B will attempt to compute the factorial of a negative number and throw an exception.
Let me know if you spot any errors...