On github, FsLexYacc project has a test dir. I try to set up the simplest one ("LexAndYaccMiniProject").
I follow these steps :
1/ Create an F# console app named "LexAndYaccMiniProject"
2/ Install package ("PM > Install-Package FsLexYacc" from VS 2013 Community which runs successfully but only creates files in packages directory under the project directory)
3/ Close solution
4/ Copy all the files (Lexer.fsl, Parser.fsy,Program.fs,LexAndYaccMiniProject.fsproj,App.config) from github to local project directory
5/Open solution --> Error Message saying there is no such "bin\Debug\FsLexYacc.targets" file.
From FsLexYacc main page install instruction, I get a link to a .fsproj that contains :
<Import Project="..\packages\FsLexYacc.6.0.4\bin\FsLexYacc.targets" />
which relates to another project (TestProjectUsingNugetPackage) different from the link found in "Example" section just above referring to my already copied project ("LexAndYaccMiniProject").
Obviously, the FsLexYacc main page install instruction section refers by link to two distinct projects hosted on github recently.
Question : What are the steps I am missing ? What should I check next ?
I could set up the Test projects by using the following (obvious except for a newbie) steps :
<Reference Include="FSharp.Core"> <HintPath>..\fsyacc\Fsharp.Core\FSharp.Core.dll</HintPath> </Reference> <Reference Include="FsLexYacc.Runtime"> <HintPath>..\..\bin\Debug\FsLexYacc.Runtime.dll</HintPath> </Reference>
also remove the reference to .fsi file and put the .fsy, .fsl and .fs files in the same order as done in Json .fsproj.
Thanks to @kkm000 at github/fsprojects/FsLexYacc.