I'm trying to get familiar with unit testing with StructureMap, and am attempting to use the built-in auto mocker for Moq that appears to come with StructureMap. I installed the NuGet package using the directions
Install-Package StructureMap
and it installed and SM working fine. The repository clearly has the MoqAutoMocker code in it, but the StructureMap.AutoMocker.Moq namespace is nowhere to be found:
I've checked out several examples that make this seem very easy to do, but they're a couple years old and seem focused on previous versions of SM, but I'm hopeful there's just something I don't see yet:
http://joelabrahamsson.com/setting-expectations-with-structuremaps-moqautomocker/ http://evolutionarydeveloper.blogspot.com/2012/10/automock-with-structuremap-and-moq.html
Is there something obvious I'm missing here?
You'll need structuremap.automocking.moq package. Check this out: http://www.nuget.org/packages?q=structuremap.automocking