I have a form with input which value is data URI of image like " xxxxxxx...".
That value is given to input when user crops image using this -> http://fengyuanchen.github.io/cropper/ So on dragend event I fill in input value with getDataURL...
On form submit, data goes to controller where I do stuff with dataURI to get extension, base64 string etc...
Then I'm writing that base64 to a file with something like:
fs.writeFile(fileRoot+filePathAndName, imageBase64, 'base64', function (err) { ...
Everything works flawlessly. But... When I use larger images (>500kb so not that large infact) I get this error:
Unable to parse HTTP body- error occurred :: [Error: EUNFNTEX: Timed out waiting for known text parameters to finish streaming their bytes into the server.]
It's interesting that it always works on localhost :( Even with huge images.
Does anyone have an idea how can I make this work? Or even better suggest a way how this could be done using skipper or a nice service...
I'm using SailsJS v0.10.5 on node v0.10.33
I tried everything... Client insisted to make it client side crop and I was stuck with base64 images... So I found a hacky solution...
Inside sails app: node_modules/sails/node_modules/skipper/lib/Parser
I changed prototype.parseReq.js line 167 from:
var ms = 5;
var ms = 100;
So it now it looks like:
function finally_waitForTextParams() {
// Careful: No error argument allowed in this callback!
debug('waiting for any text params');
// Make sure the `impatient` timeout fires no more than once
// Take a look at all currently known text params for this Upstream,
// then wait until all of them have been read.
var ms = 100;
var numTries = 0;
function setTimer(cb) {
// Catch-all timeout, just in case something goes awry.
// Should never happen, but a good failsafe to prevent holding on to
// control forever. It this timeout was to fire, we should error out and
// cancel things.
if (numTries > 10) {
return cb(new Error(
'EUNFNTEX: Timed out waiting for known text parameters to finish ' +
'streaming their bytes into the server.'
setTimeout(cb, ms);
// Exponential backoff
// (multiply ms by 2 each time, up to 500)
ms = ms < 500 ? ms * 2 : ms;
I know this is not a good solution. If anyone has better idea, please help :)