I'm trying to create a monetdb db with python. The db doesn't exist at the beginning: the code should create it specifying the port, the folder were it will reside & the db name. All the examples I could fine clearly assume that the db exists already. In some way this should be similar to the operations typically managed by the moneddbd deamon. How do I setup a (new) monetdb db in python from scratch?
One way to do it is:
import monetdb.control
Another way (my way):
import subprocess
subprocess.call("monetdbd create "+farm_path,shell=True,executable="/bin/bash")
subprocess.call("monetdbd start "+farm_path,shell=True,executable="/bin/bash")
subprocess.call("monetdb create "+database_name,shell=True,executable="/bin/bash")
subprocess.call("monetdb release "+database_name,shell=True,executable="/bin/bash")
If you want a bit more detailed code, let me know.