I am developing an chat base application with the help of QuickBlox
There is an Api that returns chat dialogs where the last sent message and unread-messages count comes.
My problem is to mark messages as read. For this i got the working code like
[QBChat markMessagesAsRead:arrMessages dialogID:dialogId delegate:self]; // arrMessages is the array of message ids
It works well but sometime what happens some of message gets skipped and it always comes as unread messages in QBChatDialog
So My question is what should i do to mark all messages of it as read.
How can i get those particular skipped messages that are unread. As it call the api to get messages it give only last one not that particular skipped.
You can mark all messages as read just passing nil as the array parameter
[QBChat markMessagesAsRead:nil dialogID:dialogId delegate:self];
In that case ALL your messages should be marked as read