After upgrading to Cordova 3.6.3 from Cordova 3.4.0; my Appium tests cannot go on because of a strange error. The error can be reproed very easily by creating a basic web-view based app on Android which issues a window.location.reload()
after a while that the test starts.
I could assess that the problem is one particular file: cordova.js which becomes part of the js files in my app when I build it with Cordova. My app loads only one javascript file: cordova.js
, I removed all other dependencies to other js files. When that file is in my app (even though index.html
does not use any function defined in there), my tests fails. If I remove the dependencies to that file, tests go ok!
The problem is that when my app issues a window.location.reload()
; my test fail with this error message:
info: [debug] Responding to client with error: {"status":26,"value":{"message":"A modal dialog was open, blocking this operation","origValue":"unexpected alert open\n (Session info: webview=)\n (Driver info: chromedriver=2.10.267521,platform=Windows NT 6.3 x86_64)"},"sessionId":"965ba51e54f682559e5b8378095bc3d4"}
I created a sample app to repro this thing. You can find the app (APK file) and the C# test I used.
The APK to repro this is in attachments. It is possible to run a simple Appium test to repro the problem:
public void SimpleTest()
this.appPackage = "com.myorg.myapp";
this.appActivity = "myapp";
var submitAddressButton = driver.FindElementByClassName("testClass");
submitAddressButton = driver.FindElementByClassName("testClass");
Expect(submitAddressButton, Is.Not.Null);
The fact that a dialog is reported is actually very strange. After inspecting a lot I could verify that no native/webview dialog is being shown on my app. In fact I cannot see any dialog and if I try to dismiss this ghost dialog using Appium and WebDriver APIs, the command fail as no dialog can be found.
Consider that the problem is not in the APIs I use in my test (C# dotnet driver for Appium). Everything happens on my Appium server running on a Mac.
I think this is due to the following prompt-based js<->java communication logic which is run every page reload
androidExec.init = function() {
bridgeSecret = +prompt('', 'gap_init:' + nativeToJsBridgeMode);;
Android native layer can handle this via onJSPrompt (, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, android.webkit.JsPromptResult)) so no actual dialog is showed. But Selenium driver looks like can't correctly treat this case.