I have a requirement in one of the application which deals with the delayed Jobs. I am running two applications using single database.
Here i am facing a problem to call the domain specific delayed Jobs.
For example lets say we are running two applications with domain names abc.com and xyz.com using single database and initiated a delayed job from abc.com and set the time for call a job, as the request from xyz.com is calling milliseconds before the abc.com the job from xyz.com is initiating and job is running with wrong perameters.Here i want a solution by which we can call the delayed job according to the call from the domain or requested url.
Can any one help me in this regard as i was stucked with the possibilities to handle this situations.
Thanks in advance
You could set up two different delayed job queues to handle jobs for each domain separately, rather than having all jobs being placed on one single queue.
object.delay(:queue => 'domain_one').method
object.delay(:queue => 'domain_two').method
From here you can then run two separate workers which can service each queue individually.
https://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job has information how to use multiple queues with DelayedJob