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Identify Windows Editions

I am writing a function which prints out detailed Windows Version informations, the output may be a tuple like this:

('32bit', 'XP', 'Professional', 'SP3', 'English')

It will be supporting Windows XP and above. And I'm stuck with getting the Windows edition, e.g., "Professional", "Home Basic", etc.

platform.win32_ver() or sys.getwindowsversion() doesn't do it for me.

win32api.GetVersionEx(1) almost hits, but looks like it doesn't tell me enough information.

Then I saw GetProductInfo(), but looks like it's not implemented in pywin32.

Any hints?


  • You can use ctypes to access any WinAPI function. GetProductInfo() is in windll.kernel32.GetProductInfo.

    I'd found a Python version (GPL licensed, but you can see usage of the functions there) of the MSDN "Getting the System Version" example.