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Numerical integration in R for indicator functions on the unit square

I am trying to write a simple routine for obtaining the measure of certain regions in the unit square (two dimensions) I know I could use one of the standard num. integration functions but I wanted to try and optimize my code since the class of functions I am interested in is very small.

This is my code:

listgrid <- vector(mode="list", length=10201)
listgrid2 <- vector(mode="list", length=101)
for(i in 0:100)
    listgrid2[[i+1]] <- c(NaN,i/100)        
listgrid = rep(listgrid2,101)
for(j in 0:100)
        for(k in 0:100)
            listgrid[[j*101 + k + 1]][1] <- j/100

#Indicator Integration Routine
indint <- function(FUN){

    valuegrid <- sapply(listgrid, FUN)
    result <- ifelse(sum(valuegrid)== 0,0, (sum(valuegrid)+50.5)/10201)


It just defines a grid and then it tries all the points and checks whether it is zero or 1 and adds the elements of the grid up. The 50.5 is a bias correction (very rough, I know)

The problem is that this is neither fast nor accurate, I guess probably because of the sapply....

The regions I want to know the area of are nothing too complicated, they have smooth boundaries.

How would you approach this problem?

Thank you.


  • From the little testing I've done, you may well be best off using the adaptIntegrate function in the cubature package, as that is written in C.

    Otherwise, if you can change your function from returning vector values to separate inputs for x and y, you may be best off using outer.

    Here is some test code including your original:

    listgrid <- vector(mode="list", length=10201)
    listgrid2 <- vector(mode="list", length=101)
    for(i in 0:100)
      listgrid2[[i+1]] <- c(NaN,i/100)        
    listgrid = rep(listgrid2,101)
    for(j in 0:100)
      for(k in 0:100)
        listgrid[[j*101 + k + 1]][1] <- j/100
    #Indicator Integration Routine
    indint <- function(FUN){
      valuegrid <- sapply(listgrid, FUN)
      result <- ifelse(sum(valuegrid)== 0,0, (sum(valuegrid)+50.5)/10201)
    #Matrix Grid
    Row <- rep(seq(0, 1, .01), 101)
    Col <- rep(seq(0, 1, .01), each = 101)
    Grid <- cbind(Row, Col)
    #Integrator using apply
    QuickInt <- function(FUN) {
      #FUN must be vector-valued and two-dimensional
      return(sum(apply(Grid, 1, FUN)) / dim(Grid)[1])
    #Integrator using mapply
    QuickInt2 <- function(FUN) {
      #FUN must take separate X and Y inpute and two-dimensional
      return(sum(mapply(FUN, x = Row, y = Col)) / length (Row))
    #Index for each axis for outer
    Index <- seq(0, 1, .01)
    #Integrator using outer
    QuickInt3 <- function(FUN) {
      #FUN must take separate X and Y inpute and two-dimensional
      return(sum(outer(Index, Index, FUN) / (length(Index) * length(Index))))

    Here are some test functions:

    #Two test functions, both in vector input (_V) and independant input (_I) forms
    test_f1_I <- function(x, y) x^2 + y^2
    test_f1_V <- function(X) X[1]^2 + X[2]^2
    test_f2_I <- function(x, y) sin(x) * cos(y)
    test_f2_V <- function(X) sin(X[1]) * cos(X[2])

    Testing accuracy:

    #Accuracy Test
    TrueValues <- c(adaptIntegrate(test_f1_V, c(0, 0), c(1, 1))$integral, adaptIntegrate(test_f2_V, c(0, 0), c(1, 1))$integral)
    InditV <- c(indint(test_f1_V), indint(test_f2_V))
    Q1V <- c(QuickInt(test_f1_V), QuickInt(test_f2_V))
    Q2V <- c(QuickInt2(test_f1_I), QuickInt2(test_f2_I))
    Q3V <- c(QuickInt3(test_f1_I), QuickInt3(test_f2_I))
    Rs <- rbind(TrueValues, InditV, Q1V, Q2V, Q3V)
    > Rs
                    [,1]      [,2]
    TrueValues 0.6666667 0.3868223
    InditV     0.6749505 0.3911174
    Q1V        0.6700000 0.3861669
    Q2V        0.6700000 0.3861669
    Q3V        0.6700000 0.3861669

    Speed Test (R-3.1.2, Intel i7-2600K overclocked to 4.6Ghz, 16GB RAM, Windows 7 64 bit, R compiled with OpenBLAS 2.13).

    #Speed Test
    Spd1 <- microbenchmark(adaptIntegrate(test_f1_V, c(0,0), c(1,1)), 
                          times = 100L, 
                          unit = "relative",
                          control = list(order = 'block'))
    Spd2 <- microbenchmark(adaptIntegrate(test_f2_V, c(0,0), c(1,1)), 
                           times = 100L, 
                           unit = "relative",
                           control = list(order = 'block'))
    > Spd1
    Unit: relative
                                            expr         min          lq        mean      median          uq        max neval
     adaptIntegrate(test_f1_V, c(0, 0), c(1, 1))    1.000000    1.000000    1.000000    1.000000    1.000000    1.00000   100
                               indint(test_f1_V)  491.861071  543.166516  544.559059  568.961534  500.777301  934.62521   100
                             QuickInt(test_f1_V) 1777.972641 2102.021092 2188.762796 2279.148477 2141.449811 1781.36640   100
                            QuickInt2(test_f1_I)  681.548730  818.746406  887.345323  875.833969  923.155066  972.86832   100
                            QuickInt3(test_f1_I)    4.689201    4.525525    4.795768    4.401223    3.706085   31.28801   100
    > Spd2
    Unit: relative
                                            expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq        max neval
     adaptIntegrate(test_f2_V, c(0, 0), c(1, 1))   1.00000   1.00000   1.00000   1.00000   1.00000    1.00000   100
                               indint(test_f2_V) 192.49010 216.29215 232.99091 226.67006 239.32413  464.76166   100
                             QuickInt(test_f2_V) 628.38419 770.34591 872.15128 870.58423 937.67521 1018.59902   100
                            QuickInt2(test_f2_I) 267.68011 306.74721 345.69155 332.67551 352.19696  726.86772   100
                            QuickInt3(test_f2_I)  12.32649  12.05382  12.15228  11.89353  11.75468   26.54075   100