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Yahoo gecoding API in R

I am trying to do a batch geocode with the Yahoo BOSS api from R.

It is currently throwing an error based on credentials - any idea how I can get this to succeed?

  myapp <- oauth_app("yahoo",
        key =     "my key",
        secret =  "my secret"  
 yahoo <- oauth_endpoint("get_request_token", "request_auth", "get_token",
                    base_url =     "")

token <- oauth1.0_token(myapp, yahoo)

sig <- sign_oauth1.0(myapp, token$oauth_token, token$oauth_token_secret)



  • Unfortunately Yahoo uses a weird authentication strategy that isn't compatible with a simple oauth_endpoint function. You can see the general flow I use in the rydn package that @Scott pointed out here.

    You might benefit from just using that package, or feel free to leverage the working example I have there in your own stuff.