I'm going to slice a given image for iPhone developer. Since I'm a front-end developer and know that this button can be created using CSS in front-end development, I don't have any idea about how should I proceed. May I give PSDs directly to the developer or should it be sliced? If it should be sliced then how will it be? Here is the image:
Please note that this button has gradient, rounded corners and a little downward arrow. Forget the text inside for now.
Have iPhone developers the ability to do that type of stuff using their code?
If I should export those buttons (eliminating the text/icon inside), at what resolutions should that be?
There are many ways of creating custom reusable UI elements in iOS:
Definitely ask the developer what they would like since the project may already have something in place or a preference.
If you're using images you'll need to send different sizes for the various pixel densities of the devices: original, 2x, 3x. Also with images you will need to make sure they are designed to scale properly when exporting them.