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Passing a query parameter to the Go HTTP request handler using the MUX package

I am trying to pass an additional parameter in the request I am trying to send to the Go server -


The Go server implementation is as follows -

func main() {
    err := config.Parse()
    if err != nil {

    defer glog.Flush()

    router := mux.NewRouter()
    http.Handle("/", httpInterceptor(router))

    router.Handle("/v1/x", common.ErrorHandler(stats.GetS)).Methods("GET")
    router.Handle("/v1/x/y", common.ErrorHandler(stats.GetS)).Methods("GET")

    var listen = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", config.Config.Ip, config.Config.Port)
    err = http.ListenAndServe(listen, nil)

    if err != nil {

func httpInterceptor(router http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
        startTime := time.Now()

        if !auth.Auth(w, req) {
            http.Error(w, "Failed authentication", 401)

        router.ServeHTTP(w, req)

        finishTime := time.Now()
        elapsedTime := finishTime.Sub(startTime)

        switch req.Method {
        case "GET":
        case "POST":


How should I look and parse for the token in the Go server so that the authentication is successful?

Library function

func ParseFromRequest(req *http.Request, keyFunc Keyfunc) (token *Token, err error) {

    // Look for an Authorization header
    if ah := req.Header.Get("Authorization"); ah != "" {
        // Should be a bearer token
        if len(ah) > 6 && strings.ToUpper(ah[0:6]) == "BEARER" {
            return Parse(ah[7:], keyFunc)

    // Look for "access_token" parameter
    if tokStr := req.Form.Get("access_token"); tokStr != "" {
        return Parse(tokStr, keyFunc)

    return nil, ErrNoTokenInRequest



  • Call FormValue to get a query parameter:

    token := req.FormValue("token")

    req is a the *http.Request

    An alternative is to call ParseForm and access req.Form directly:

    if err := req.ParseForm(); err != nil {
       // handle error
    token := req.Form.Get("token")

    The OP asks in a comment how to map "token" to "access_token" for an external package that's looking "access_token". Execute this code before calling the external package:

    if err := req.ParseForm(); err != nil {
       // handle error
    req.Form["access_token"] = req.Form["token"]

    When the external package calls req.Form.Get("access_token"), it will get the same value as the "token" parameter.