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Make PostgreSQL choose the next minimal available id

I would like to make PostgreSQL choose the first next available id so that no error occurs in the following case:

id serial PRIMARY KEY,
name varchar


INSERT INTO test VALUES (2,'dd');
INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES ('aa');
INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES ('bb');

This will give a constraint error since id is primary.
How can I tell PostgreSQL to insert the record with the next free id?


  • Generally, it's best to never overrule the default in a serial column. If you sometimes need to provide id values manually, replace the standard DEFAULT clause nextval('sequence_name') of the serial column with a custom function that omits existing values.

    Based on this dummy table:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_test_test_id_seq(OUT nextfree bigint)
      LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
          SELECT INTO nextfree  val
          FROM   nextval('test_test_id_seq'::regclass) val  -- use actual name of sequence
          WHERE  NOT EXISTS (SELECT FROM test WHERE test_id = val);
          EXIT WHEN FOUND;
       END LOOP; 

    Use it in column default:

    ALTER TABLE test ALTER COLUMN test_id SET DEFAULT f_test_test_id_seq();

    It's not strictly a serial any more, but serial is only a convenience feature anyway:

    And if you build this on top of a serial column the SEQUENCE is automatically "owned" by the table column, which is probably a good thing.

    This is a slightly faster variant of:

    And it's equally safe against conflicts under concurrent write load.

    Table and sequence name are hard coded here. You could easily parametrize the sequence name (like in the linked answer) and even the table name - and test existence with a dynamic statement using EXECUTE. Would give you a generic function, but the call would be a bit more expensive.

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_nextfree(_tbl regclass
                                         , _col text
                                         , _seq regclass
                                         , OUT nextfree bigint)
      LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
          EXECUTE '
          SELECT val FROM nextval($1) val WHERE NOT EXISTS (
             SELECT FROM ' || _tbl || ' WHERE ' || quote_ident(_col) || ' = val)'
          INTO  nextfree
          USING _seq;
          EXIT WHEN nextfree IS NOT NULL;
       END LOOP; 

    Use it in column default:

    ALTER TABLE test2 ALTER COLUMN test2_id
    SET DEFAULT f_nextfree('test2', 'test2_id', 'test2_test2_id_seq');

    Old sqlfiddle