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String list identity in where clause of JPA / JPQL Query

Say I have an @Entity like

class C {
  List<String> sequence;

and I want to query for instances of C that exactly match a given list. (I am aware that this is order sensitive, and I'm ok with that.) I am using EclipseLink and query with JPQL.

I tried the obvious:

List<String> querySeq = ... // some list to be used in the where clause
em.createQuery("select c from C c where c.sequence = :qs", C.class)
            .setParameter("qs", querySeq);

This fails when I try to execute the query with getResultList(). The error is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: row column count mismatch.

I also tried with join:

select c from C c join c.sequence s where s in :qs

But this fails, too, saying The collection-valued path 'c.sequence' must resolve to an association field. My interpretation of this is that join does not work on a collection of primitives, but only on relations.

So my questions are:

What is the right way to do this?

Also, is there a way to do more complex operations on primitive collections, like querying for (set) intersections, unions or differences?


  • I couldn't find any solution or article where JPQL could be used to directly compare lists. But there is a mechanism where you can test if a value is MEMBER OF the collection.

    The process is not elegant but with a bit of tweaking we could build a query similar to this (Couldn't test the code, but I think it depicts the idea and logically should work):

    String query = "SELECT c FROM C c";
    String checkValue = "";
    for(int i = 0; i<queryString.size();i++){
        checkValue = queryString.get(i);
            query += " WHERE '" + checkValue + "'" + " MEMBER OF c.sequence";
            query += " WHERE '" + checkValue + "'" + " MEMBER OF c.sequence AND";