Pretty new to C++, only at it a week or so, I want to iterate through a set of nested sets and write each element in the inner set to a line in a file. Each inner set has 3 elements and I want all three elements on the same line. I have a set up as follows:
// Define "bigSet" and initiate as empty set "Triplets"
typedef set < set<string> > bigSet;
bigSet Triplets;
I tried something of this sort to go through it but it gives me an error...
// Iterate through and print output
set <string>::iterator it;
for(it = Triplets.begin(); it != Triplets.end(); it++){
cout << *it << endl;
Any help is greatly appreciated guys thank you!
I would do it this way:
// Iterate through and print output
set < set <string> >::iterator it_ex; // iterator for the "outer" structure
set <string>::iterator it_in; // iterator for the "inner" structure
for(it_ex = Triplets.begin(); it_ex != Triplets.end(); it_ex++)
for(it_in = it_ex->begin(); it_in != it_ex->end(); it_in++)
cout << *it_in << ", ";
cout << endl;