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Using the sqrt function of math module for long numbers in python

I was working with numbers of 200 digits in python. When finding the square root of a number using math.sqrt(n) I am getting a wrong answer.

In[1]: n=9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

In[2]: x=int(math.sqrt(n))

In[3]: x
Out[1]: 10000000000000000159028911097599180468360808563945281389781327

In[4]: x*x
Out[2]: 1000000000000000031805782219519836346574107361670094060730052612580

In[5]: math.sqrt(n)
Out[3]: 1e+100

The value of x is coming larger than expected since x*x (201 digits) is larger than n (200 digits). What is happening here? Is there some concept I am getting wrong here? How else can I find the root of very large numbers?


  • math.sqrt returns an IEEE-754 64-bit result, which is roughly 17 digits. There are other libraries that will work with high-precision values. In addition to the decimal and mpmath libraries mentioned above, I maintain the gmpy2 library (

    >>> import gmpy2
    >>> n=gmpy2.mpz(99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999982920000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000726067)
    >>> gmpy2.get_context().precision=2048
    >>> x=gmpy2.sqrt(n)
    >>> x*x

    The gmpy2 library can also return integer square roots (isqrt) or quickly check if an integer is an exact square (is_square).