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What is the difference between diff and diff=astextplain?

Can someone help me. I am using Git (GitHub) and trying to decide what to set my *.sql files to in the gitattributes. I've seen people use

*.sql diff=astextplain
*.sql diff
*.sql text=auto

I was advised to set this to the second option, but I am just wondering what is the difference between that and the other two.


  • TL;DR

    • diff=astextplain (msysGit only): converts those files (under the condition that their extension be *.doc, *.pdf, *.rtf, etc.) to a text format before generating their diff.
    • diff: treat those files as plain text for generating their diff.
    • text=auto: automatically normalize EOL characters (to LF) in files deemed to be text files by Git.

    More details


    The string value astextplain is not part of Git core: in fact, running

    git grep "astextplain"

    in the Git project repository returns nothing. As far as I can tell, it's a shell script that ships with msysGit and allows you to convert files such as

    • Word documents,
    • PDF,
    • RTF

    to a text format before generating their diff.


    According to the gitattributes man page:

    The attribute diff affects how Git generates diffs for particular files. [...]

    A path to which the diff attribute is set is treated as text, even when they contain byte values that normally never appear in text files, such as NUL.


    According to the gitattributes man page:

    When text is set to "auto", the path is marked for automatic end-of-line normalization. If Git decides that the content is text, its line endings are normalized to LF on checkin.