My batch scripts are located in the following directory:
I'm trying to get the path of this folder: \test\public\windows\logs
I've tried using %~dp0
in order to get the path of the script, and i've tried:
The thing is that it's not showing me this folder.
path points to the path according to you, to verify where it is taking from, please make a
echo %CD%
it will tell you the path the system is looking at.
then set the relative path from %CD%
to the path of your script.
Please comment if you get stuck after doing this.
For example:
echo %CD%
gives C:\windows\system32
and you want to execute batch file at c:\test\public\windows\scripts\32\test.bat
you will need to do
SET REL_PATH=%CD%\..\..\test\public\windows\scripts\32\
To move to this path do a:
cd /d %REL_PATH%
To solve UNC path do PUSHD and POPD:
@echo off
pushd \\test\public\windows\scripts\32\
REM do your work
call test.bat
Reference: How to run batch file from network share without "UNC path are not supported" message?