I have a button in a static UITableViewCell. What I want to do is place a UIView at the buttons location.
If I just get the buttons position, it will give me a position relative to the tableviews cell, not from the top of the tableViewController. What I want is get the buttons position from the top of the tableViewController.
For example: If the button is 8px away from the top of the current cell, but 57px away from the top of the viewController, I want to place the UIView at 57px.
Here's my code:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
CGPoint buttonPosition = [button convertPoint:CGPointZero fromView:self.tableView];
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint:buttonPosition];
CGRect rect = [myTableView rectForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
NSLog(@"%f, %f", rect.origin.y, rect.origin.x);
self.infoView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(button.frame.origin.x, button.frame.origin.y, 220, 110)];
The output of the nslog is 0.
I would also like to update the UIView's position whenever the iphone goes to landscape mode.
CGPoint originalPoint = button.frame.origin;
CALayer *layer = self;
CGPoint point = originalPoint;
while (layer.superlayer)
point = [layer convertPoint:point toLayer:layer.superlayer];
layer = layer.superlayer;
//When you reach this code, you should have the position in the rootView