My app crashes on startup because with exception 'failed to scene-update in time'
this is because reachability does not return on time Here is the stack trace
com.tjango.Plus3 failed to scene-update in time Elapsed total CPU time (seconds): 2.590 (user 2.590, system 0.000), 12% CPU Elapsed application CPU time (seconds): 0.302, 1% CPU Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue: Thread 0: _semaphore_wait_trap + 8 __dispatch_semaphore_wait_slow + 252 _xpc_connection_send_message_with_reply_sync + 184 ___SCNetworkReachabilityServer_targetStatus + 192 ___SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags + 440 _SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags + 232 -[Reachability currentReachabilityStatus] Reachability.m:295
this happens on iOS 8 only.
The function where it gets stuck is Apple's Reachability library : I can't figure out why would this function block it.
- (NetworkStatus)currentReachabilityStatus { NSAssert(_reachabilityRef != NULL, @"currentNetworkStatus called with NULL SCNetworkReachabilityRef"); NetworkStatus returnValue = NotReachable; SCNetworkReachabilityFlags flags; if (SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags(_reachabilityRef, &flags)) { if (_alwaysReturnLocalWiFiStatus) { returnValue = [self localWiFiStatusForFlags:flags]; } else { returnValue = [self networkStatusForFlags:flags]; } } return returnValue; }
Reachability is probably the single most incorrectly used library on iOS. These rules help:
See my comment: iOS Reachability fails to catch the case where connected to WiFi but not logged in