I'm a python newbie using wepapp2 as a standalone with python 2.7.5 and Mssql server express 2012.
For now, I'm trying to build a simple webpage for myself without a frame work. It's a form imported into a form handler. The handler uses string formatting to persist the form values when a required field is missing, but I'm having issues retaining values for select elements.
Debugging showed me that val type is 'str' and when outputted to HTML using %(status)r', the value was u'o', but the length of val equaled 10. I assume this is the reason why val == 'o' is false, but why? How may I get the conditional statements below to result True? Thanks.
class TaskFormHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
col = self.request.get(field)
if error_flag:
def write_display(self,error='',status='',...):
form_vals = {'error':error,'status':status,...}
self.response.write(webview.form % form_vals)
from string import Template
val = '%(status)s'
if val == 'o':
params = dict(op1=' selected',op2='',op3='')
elif val == 'c':
params = dict(op1='',op2=' selected',op3='')
elif val == 'a':
params = dict(op1='',op2='',op3=' selected')
params = dict(op1='',op2=' selected',op3=len(val))
template = Template("""
<select name='status'>
<option value='o'${op1}>Opened</option>
<option value='c'${op2}>Completed</option>
<option value='a'${op3}>Aged</option>
form = """
<form method='post' action='/tasksystem/taskform'>
""" + template.substitute(params) + """
This is the output from the webpage's page source:
<select name='status'>
<option value='o'>Opened</option>
<option value='c' selected>Completed</option>
<option value='a'10>Aged</option>
I dont know webapp2, but 10 is the length of %(status)s
. Correct would be val = str(status)
as the 1st line, I think. Or simply check for status == XX