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Block integrator overflow in Simulink

I am working on the Matlab simulink block: Mean (variable frequency). The block is shown at

The first step of this algorithm is integrating the input signal. However, when the input signal is a constant, the integrator will accumulate until it overflows. Does anyone know how to solve this problem in such block.

I also attach the diagram of this block below: enter image description here Later, I will change it to discrete-time model and implement such algorithm in my DSP. If you have any suggestion, I am a good listener.


  • The function you are implementing is

    y(t) = Integrate_{x=0->t} u(x) dx  -  Integrate_{y=0->t-T} u(y) dy          (1)

    where T is the transport delay. This can be reordered by substituting z = y + T and due to the linearity of the integral to

    y(t) = Integrate_{x=0->t} u(x) dx  -  Integrate_{z=T->t} u(z - T) dz
         = Integrate_{x=0->t} [ u(x) - u(x - T) ] dx + C                        (2)


    C = Integrate_{z=0->T} u(z) dz

    is a finite constant that depends on the initial conditions and can be assumed to be 0 if your signal u is zero for the initial time t = 0 ... T.

    If we look at an input signal with DC-offset such as

    u(t) = DC + sin(w*t)

    then implementation (1) will first integrate and then subtract, which will saturate or lead to a loss of precision as you have noted. But (2) will first subtract and thus remove any DC

    u(x) - u(x - T) = DC - DC + sin(w*t) - sin(w*t - w*T)
                    = 0         sin(w*t) - sin(w*t - w*T)

    and then integrate, without risking saturation. Thus I recommend to change the implementation as follows:

    simulink design

    Alternatively you could change the ideal integrator 1/s to a low-pass filter with finite gain at DC, e.g. 1/(1+s) although this (as well as the anti-windup controller suggested by @thewaywewalk) will distort your signal compared to the ideal behaviour.

    PS: Thanks to stackoverflow for not supporting proper math-notation... :-/