My TPL Dataflow pipeline uses multiple same blocks, the only difference is each of them uses it's personal proxy to send http requests. So WebProxy
here is a parameter. I act like this to create them (conceptual simpled example, WebProxy
replaced with blockNum Integer
Private Sub CreateBlocks()
Dim blocks As New List(Of TransformBlock(Of Integer, Integer))
For i = 0 To 100
Dim blockNum As Integer = i
Dim block As New TransformBlock(Of Integer, Integer)(Function(_arg)
Return _arg + blockNum
End Function)
End Sub
I use a lambda expressions. It causes some troubles. So the question is: How can I replace it with Delegate function. I mean use AddressOf
Smthn. I need to pass blockNum
to each block somehow.
There are two kind of troubles why I don't wanna use a lambda:
First: my lambda-expression is too big, it's very hard to work with it and modify it in editor: whole expression became error if something wrong.
Second: I want to create a base class with Dataflow pipeline, and change only blocks delegates in derived classes.
Why not move all of the code from the lambda to a real function. Then create a small lambda that captures blockNum and passes it to said function?